FTP Accounts
Discover more about FTP accounts and about FTP in general - exactly what they are and when you will require them.
FTP denotes File Transfer Protocol – a quite popular method for transmitting files between a computer and a server. Using an FTP software program such as FileZilla or CuteFTP, you can connect to the server and check its content in one pane, while the files on your PC will be shown in another pane within the main program window. All you will need to do to send files or whole directories in either direction is to mark them and then to drag them from one pane to the other. FTP is used by a lot of users because you can set up different FTP accounts and each one can be limited to access just one folder on the server, so a web designer, for example, can do their task without being able to see any other content in the hosting account. What’s more, the availability of different FTP accounts will also permit you to create numerous Internet sites with web design apps such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage and to upload them to their respective directories on the server.
FTP Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting
cloud web hosting packages will allow you to create multiple FTP accounts with just a few clicks of the mouse from the Hepsia Control Panel and to choose what files and folders each account can connect to. There isn’t any upper limit to the maximum number of accounts that you can create, so you can have as many as you need at any particular moment. In case you don’t want to use a certain FTP account any longer or in case a designer has completed their job and you do not want them to access your web content anymore, you can simply remove the account in question. The Control Panel’s FTP section will permit you to check all currently active FTP accounts listed alphabetically, together with various options, which you can access with one single mouse click. You will be able to change the password and the access path, to download an auto-config file, etcetera. We also have an exhaustive Help section, which will help you manage your FTP accounts if you have to deal with any difficulties.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
You will be able to connect to your
semi-dedicated server account via FTP regardless of the semi-dedicated plan that you’ve picked during the subscription process, since the FTP access is one of the standard features that you will be able to use. All our packages include an unlimited FTP account quota, so you’ll be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you need via the Hepsia Control Panel with which you’ll be able to administer your website content too. All the accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and in case you don’t need a given account any longer, you can simply remove it and block people who have used it previously from connecting to it again. This option is particularly handy if you use the services of a designer or in case an IT individual quits the company and you don’t want them to connect to the web files anymore. An elaborate Help library that contains educational videos will help you manage your FTP accounts if you don’t have any previous experience.
FTP Accounts in VPS Servers
VPS server plans that we’re offering will permit you to set up unlimited FTP accounts to administer the content of your websites. This is valid irrespective of which Virtual Private Server plan you buy and which hosting Control Panel you pick during the order process – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel. In all cases, you will receive FTP access to the Virtual Private Server without having to install any kind of software, as an FTP server is part of the basic software bundle which is included in the Virtual Private Server plans by default. You can set up one FTP account for every domain or subdomain that you have or even different FTP accounts for a single folder – if you want several people to be able to connect to the web content inside it using their own login credentials. With each of the available Control Panels, setting up, removing or editing an FTP account takes no more than a couple of mouse clicks via a simple-to-use interface.